Funky Monkey
Where Am I Going?
Guess where i am going for spring break? I will get a tan. It will be hot every day. I am going out of the United States except for on place and that is Key West,FL. The towels are in a stuffed animal form, and they have a Hairy Chest Contest. One of my family members is going to be at the casino. I will get to wear tank tops and shorts and most of all a bathing suit. Now can you guess where i will be in spring break if you do comment and guess?
Valentine’s Day
According to,everyone says Valentine’s Day is about loving one another. The Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints valentine and valentinus all of whom were martyred. Valentine may have been killed for attempting to help Christans escape harsh Roman prisons, where they were often beaten and tortured.
Henry Wisner
I Have a Dream Too
New Years Resolution
As the ball dropedI made my New Years Resolution that I would start to get in fit. I also made some more resolutions. Like, what is one thing I can do at home to make the year better. I could get along with my sister and share things with her. Another one is what is one thing I can do at school to make this year better. I could work on my reading and writing. By the end of this year I want to at least keep one of my resolutions.
Don’t Post It
Holiday Traditions
Well every Christmas day after we open gifts we always go to I-Hop. This year we have a big family so we probably have to get the whole side of I-Hop. On Christmas eve we always go to my gran-gran’s house to open her presents and this year i might get an black i-Phone 4s. Then on Chirstmas afternoon we have Christmas at our house we open our nonnies gifts and that’s our traditions.