Three Fictional Characters – Spanish Class


For this assignment that we were to do in Spanish class she told use to choose 3 fictional characters that describe us. In class we are learning to describe ourselves and other people in Spanish. This skill is important to learn because you have to describe what you are talking about, if you don’t describe then people could be thinking of something else then what you are talking about. I have chose Felicity Smoak to represent my intelligence and nerdy side. I also chose Sharpay Evens  because I like to sing, act ,and dance. Finally I chose Cinderella to represent my kind hearted side.

Yo soy inteligente,talentosa y amable. Me gusta jugar a los deportes,mirar Netflix y comer.


Vision is a way of seeing the world around you like the color, shape, or size of something. Vision is is to be able to see with your eyes, and to do so there has to be light to see.Therefore if there is no light then you will not be able of process what is in front of you. The light admins particles called photons which bounce off of objects and reaches to your eyes. To see things your eyes must have a transparent tissues that the light goes through. First the light goes through the cornea, then the lens behind the pupil, finally they reach the renea,which is the eyes photographic plate. Once the light goes through the renea they go through the nerve pulses. Then they go through the optic passageways, and arrive at the occipital brain where the image is formed.Therefore you are now able to see through your eyes.