Author Archives: Katelyn
water cycle song
Remind Me Who I Am
Schoolhouse Rock – Unpack Your Adjectives
Build The Puzzle
First 3 weeks in school
The first 3 weeks have been fun. In Mrs.Owens class we have been reading a lot about You are Special and Not my Dog. It had fun activite with both of them. In Mrs.Ganong’s Class is a really fun class too.We get to use electronics all the time in her class.We can get on our blogs any time of day.In Mrs.McFall’s Class we get to learn about social studies . It is a fun class to learn about history.In Mr.McBride’s Class we learn about sience.We get to have fun exsperaments all the time.In Mrs.Smith’s Class we learn math.Math in also really fun to learn math things. It is really fun. School is going great.
What is Purple?
My history
Summer Vacation
This summer I will be relaxing from school. I will be going to a Texas Ranger game in Dallas,Texas for my aunt’s wedding. We are going to get a hotel and stay the night with my cousins. After the game we will go swimming at the hotel. The rest of the summer I will be baby-sitting my sister.This is going to be hard.