Littlest Pumpkin in the Patch!!

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This  weekend I had a play at  Artsview.  There was a lot of  people there.  They had to add more chairs.  It was fun to do my dance in front of the crowd.  After I did my dance, I went by the littlest pumpkin and I said my lines.  It was a lot of fun.  Then after they play we did autographs and a spooky treat room.  My sister dressed up as a witch too. I went to Skyla’s house after that for her birthday.  We played dress up.

Making Cake at Nonnie’s House

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We made cakes today at Nonnie’s. We dekrat our cakes too. I coved the whole thing brown and nonnie did the orange part. I put sprinkles all over mine. It was good. We had a lot of fun this weekend. Mom took us to see cloudy with a chance of meatballs on Sat. So tonight for supper we had meatballs. It was good.

Sonic Peelers!!

Please please please go to Sonic and get your peelers and vote online for my class. We need 5 ipods and right now we are in the lead. I voted 24 times today with all the peelers me and Nonnie got today. A lot of people didn’t want theirs so we got them. I liked my ocean water. Can you tell?

New Cartoons!!!

We got new tv stations this weenend. On Boomarang there is a favrite show of mine called the Jetsons. I loke show because there is a robot and they all are space man and girls. I also like the Flintstones. They are funny. Mom and Dad tell me that they watched those shows when they were little. And I think that is true.

Friday Cheerleading!

I love Fridays.  They are special cuz I get to wear my cheerleading outfit.  Hope you like all my pictuers of me and my sister.  I like to cheer.  Friday I get to go to pe in school.  We get to play cheerleading outside.  Can’t wait to go to a football game and a pep rally.

Meet the Teacher!

100_3203I like my teacher that I got. Her name is Mrs. Saccocio. I can’t wait until Munday when school starts. This picture is me and my sister before we went to the meet the teacher night. She’s ready to start school too. I already picked out what I am going to wear the first day.

Friday and Saturday!

100_2865Friday was a lot of fun.  I had a blast because Sydney was at Gran Grans.  We went to the mall and got some fingernails.  We walked a lot.  After we went to the mall we went to toys r us.  Got a toy.  Kenzie took a nap.  We played cards and Sydney painted my toes and sisters toes too.  Uncle Curt took all the kids to the movies.  Even Kenzie.  My mom and dad had a date.  Sydney got to stay the night with us Friday night too.  Saturday we went to swim at Uncle Curt’s house.  Bryce, mom, dad, and Uncle Curt shot a gun while the girls swim.  We stayed there until it was dark.  I was tired and feel alseep on the way home.  Next time I will tell you about my Dallas trip.

Our Father’s Day Weekend!

100_2247Yesterday we went to the Lufkin Zoo with Gran Gran, Sissy, Bryce, and my family.  We got the ride on a little train.  I was scared because we were going on a bridge and I saw a alligator.  My dad told me it was going to be okay.  After that we went to eat and to swim at Uncle Curt’s house with Sydney and Bryce.  Even my sister got in and I went to the deep end.  It was a lot of fun.  I gave my daddy his stuff today and he really liked it.  We have been resting today.  I only have one more week before we get to go to Dallas.  I can’t wait to stay at a hotel.  BYE!